Welcome to the CARDAMOM documentation

Technical documentation of the CARbon DAta-MOdel fraMework C implemtation (CARDAMOM-C)

Authors: Paul A. Levine, A. Anthony Bloom, Matthew A. Worden, T. Eren Bilir, Gregory R. Quetin, Shuang Ma, Alexander J. Norton

This technical documentation is under construction. In due course, incremental versions will be designated with a digital object identifier (DOI). In the meantime, to make reference to this documentation, please use the following:

How to cite: Levine, Paul A., Bloom, A. Anthony, Worden, Matthew A., Bilir, T. Eren, Quetin, Gregory R., Ma, Shuang, Norton, Alexander J., Technical documentation of the CARbon DAta-MOdel fraMework C implemtation (CARDAMOM-C), in prep. https://cardamom-framework.github.io/CARDAMOM (last accessed insert date accessed)

The CARDAMOM documentation presented here is written specifically for the JPL, Stanford, UCSB and Caltech CARDAMOM framework implementation, publicly available under an Apache License v2.0. Copyright © 2024, California Institute of Technology (“Caltech”) and University of Washington. U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged.

DALEC Model:

Model-data fusion framework:

All of our old stuff is here. We can delete things once they are put into the RST manual, and eventually delete this entire section once it’s empty.
